Nick Wilton’s An Introduction to Human Resource Management (3rd edition, 2016) provides a comprehensive look into the nuances of managing people within modern work organizations. The book delves deep into the challenges and opportunities of HRM, illustrating through real-world examples how strategic HR practices can both drive organizational success and enhance individual well-being. Emphasizing a critical and balanced approach, the text encourages readers to reflect on why HRM may sometimes fall short of its ideal outcomes despite its potential. It also highlights that the management of people is not confined to HR professionals alone, but is a central concern for all organizational members, reinforcing the view that effective HRM is a collective responsibility. Enhanced by a range of engaging features—including boxes on management skills, practical HR insights, ethical considerations, global perspectives, and in-depth case studies—this book equips students and practitioners to bridge theory and practice. Additionally, a complimentary interactive eBook enriches the learning experience with author videos, interactive multiple-choice questions, and links to extended case studies and relevant journal articles, catering to various learning styles. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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