Nick Wilton’s An Introduction to Human Resource Management presents an accessible yet thought-provoking insight into the world of HRM, exploring the strategic challenges and opportunities in today’s global business landscape. The fourth edition builds on its established reputation by integrating contemporary topics that resonate with practitioners and students alike. Drawing on a wealth of real-world examples and case studies, the book goes beyond set prescriptions to encourage a critical examination of the field. It features in-depth discussions on employee engagement, examines the benefits of social media in modern workplaces, and probes the influence of culture and global mobility on human resource practices. Updated surveys, research findings, and examples from a variety of industries enrich the content, offering both breadth and depth in understanding. In addition, the book includes a complimentary interactive eBook that provides digital access to its full range of content, complete with author videos, detailed case studies, web-links, journal articles, and quizzes. This comprehensive learning package makes it a valuable resource for both students and educators aiming to navigate the evolving world of human resource management. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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