Musculoskeletal Examination by Jeffrey M. Gross, Joseph Fetto, and Elaine Rosen is a user-friendly guide to the techniques of physical examination for the musculoskeletal system. This comprehensive textbook explains the basic principles behind both normal and abnormal musculoskeletal functions, offering a systematic approach that aids in reaching the correct differential diagnosis. In its latest fourth edition, the book has been updated in full colour to include an array of detailed illustrations, X-rays, MRIs, and clinical photographs that enhance the learning experience. With its uniquely multidisciplinary perspective—drawing on the expertise of a physiatrist, an orthopedic surgeon, and a physical therapist—Musculoskeletal Examination is an indispensable resource for medical students, practitioners, and all professionals working in sports medicine and clinical care. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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