Muscles: Testing and Function with Posture and Pain is a renowned resource that offers unparalleled guidance in manual muscle testing and the evaluation and treatment of dysfunctional and painful postural conditions. In this thoroughly updated edition, the content is completely reorganized with expanded treatment and exercise sections in every chapter, providing clear insights into optimal muscular function. New features include a dedicated section on post-polio syndrome and additional case studies that compare Guillain–Barré and polio muscle tests, offering a comprehensive clinical perspective. A full-color design and a unique chart of upper extremity articulations enhance the clarity of complex anatomical relationships. Additionally, a bonus Primal Anatomy CD-ROM provides a three-dimensional interactive model of the human body, allowing users to rotate the model and selectively reveal or conceal anatomical layers to strengthen their understanding. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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