Musculoskeletal Examination is a comprehensive guide tailored for medical students, physical therapists, and physicians who seek a solid foundation in musculoskeletal assessment. Drawing on the collective expertise of a physiatrist, a physical therapist, and an orthopedist, this text offers a multidisciplinary perspective essential for both learning and clinical application. Now in its third edition (2009), the book has been refined to include over 850 illustrations—including anatomy diagrams, x-rays, and MRIs—which serve as reliable visual references for understanding complex structures and functions. Detailed tables, concise summaries, and focused clinical examples help clarify an easy-to-follow examination process for joints and the spine while seamlessly integrating principles of biomechanics with physical examination techniques. Ideal as both an introductory textbook and a reference for seasoned practitioners, Musculoskeletal Examination carefully combines fundamental anatomy and basic science with practical insights into frequently encountered conditions. This balanced approach ensures that readers are well-equipped to make informed diagnoses and develop effective treatment plans for a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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