In an era marked by displacement and the dissolution of traditional bonds, At Home in the World invites readers to reconsider what it means to belong. Michael Jackson weaves his firsthand experiences from three transformative years in Central Australia into a rich tapestry of narrative ethnography, empirical insight, philosophy, and lyrical reflection. His intimate account of life among the Warlpiri of the Tanami Desert challenges our conventional notions of home and exile. Through his keen observations and personal journey, Jackson explores the delicate balance between closure and openness, the interplay between acting and being acted upon. His meditation on "at-homeness" probes the intimate connection between the self and the wide, often unpredictable, world beyond. With thoughtful reflections on identity, equity, and the search for a sense of place, At Home in the World stands as a compelling exploration of the existential struggle to define home in an increasingly mobile age. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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