In The Corporeal Image: Film, Ethnography, and the Senses, David MacDougall, one of the foremost ethnographic filmmakers and film scholars of his generation, offers a perceptive examination of how visual representations shape human knowledge in an era increasingly dominated by words. Drawing on his rich experience as both a filmmaker and scholar, he revisits the complex relationship between images and the human body—both that of the observer and the subject behind the camera. Structured in a series of thought-provoking chapters, this work delves into the interplay of photography, cinema, and ethnography to reveal how visual practices can challenge conventional academic narratives. With clarity and incisiveness, MacDougall articulates a need for a renewed understanding of visual anthropology and proposes innovative principles that reinstate the importance of the senses and embodied experience in the production of meaning. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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