Things As They Are: New Directions in Phenomenological Anthropology presents a rich inquiry into the nuanced interplay between phenomenological ideas and contemporary anthropological practice. The thoughtful essays in this volume delve into the ways our understanding of the lifeworld can be deepened by reimagining the intersections of empirical observation and lived experience. The contributors offer insightful reflections that extend beyond traditional theoretical debates, inviting readers to consider how philosophical perspectives can animate the study of culture. Drawing on a vibrant array of ethnographic accounts, the book underscores the significance of experiential approaches in illuminating everyday realities. With rigorous yet imaginative discussions, the volume explores alternative paths in anthropological thought, resonating with those who seek to blend existential ideas and critical inquiry. Published in 1996 by Indiana University Press, this paperback work spans 292 pages of engaging analysis that challenges and enriches our perceptions of human life. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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