Studiebog: Social Research Methods

Social Research Methods

Af Alan Bryman
4. udgave, 2012 Bemærk: Findes i nyere udgave
Vejledende salgspris 510,00 kr.
Midlertidigt udsolgt


Alan Bryman
Oxford University Press, Incorporated


In the fourth edition of Social Research Methods, Alan Bryman presents an updated and comprehensive guide to the key techniques and methodologies that shape the field of social research. Designed with students in mind, this engaging text provides a clear and accessible overview of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, enabling aspiring researchers to evaluate and choose the most suitable methods for their projects. Bryman takes the reader step-by-step through the entire research process—from the formulation of objectives and selection of research methods to the careful collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. The book emphasizes practical guidance on securing research participants and effectively sharing findings, ensuring that every stage of the research journey is thoroughly covered. Enhancing the learning experience, this edition introduces a new "supervisor experience" feature, offering valuable insights and tips from the perspective of experienced research supervisors. A newly consolidated chapter on qualitative sampling also addresses the challenges unique to this area, while significant updates to the internet research section keep pace with contemporary developments in the field. For those seeking extra support, a suite of online supplements is available for both students and instructors. Students can benefit from a detailed researcher's toolkit, podcasts recounting real-world research experiences, self-marking multiple choice questions for revision, annotated web links to relevant articles and guides, and a practical guide to using Excel for data analysis. Instructors are provided with a comprehensive guide, complete with lecture outlines, reading lists, teaching activities, customizable PowerPoint slides, figures, tables, and illustrative case studies.

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Social Research Methods - 4. udgave, 2012