Studiebog: Social Research Methods

Social Research Methods

Af Alan Bryman
3. udgave, 2008 Bemærk: Findes i nyere udgave
Vejledende salgspris 441,00 kr.
Midlertidigt udsolgt


Alan Bryman
Oxford University Press


Social Research Methods, Third Edition, offers an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the central approaches and techniques in social research. In this updated full-color edition, Alan Bryman clearly explains both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, skillfully integrating theory with practical insights. Designed for students at both undergraduate and graduate levels, the text guides readers through the process of developing research projects, selecting analytical tools, and effectively interpreting findings. This edition provides a balanced exploration of the strengths and challenges associated with different research methods. It emphasizes the importance of aligning theory with practice, ensuring that readers can confidently apply various tools to real-world investigations without getting bogged down in complex mathematical details. The narrative is enriched with clear explanations and a range of practical advice that makes it an essential resource for aspiring social researchers. Enhanced with engaging boxed features such as "Research in Focus," "Key Concepts," "Tips and Skills," and "Thinking Deeper," the book presents real-life examples and reflective prompts to deepen understanding. New chapters, including an insightful look at conducting literature reviews, along with updated guidance on digital research tools, further support students in navigating the evolving landscape of social research methods.

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Social Research Methods - 3. udgave, 2008