In The Stupidity Paradox, Mats Alvesson and André Spicer delve into the curious dynamics of functional stupidity within organisations. They reveal how the seemingly harmless act of suppressing critical thought can often lead to disastrous outcomes—ranging from financial meltdowns to complete organisational breakdown—yet can also, in the short term, promote a harmonious and efficient work environment. With a probing analysis of management practices and workplace behaviours, the authors challenge the balance between immediate action and long-term success. Their insights offer readers a fresh perspective on why a dose of mindlessness might be beneficial for rapid decision-making, while also warning against the potential pitfalls of unchallenged conformity. This thought-provoking work calls on us to harness our full intellectual potential in order to foster innovation, ensure organisational resilience, and ultimately contribute to the greater wellbeing of society. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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