Ship Handling, 2nd edition (2019) by Dokmar offers a comprehensive look into the art and science of maneuvering ships. The book is thoughtfully divided into three sections. The opening chapter delves into a ship’s characteristics and the various methods used to maneuver her, presenting a clear foundation for understanding vessel dynamics. The second part examines the forces at work on open water and during confined movements, while the final section focuses on the external factors affecting a ship during maneuvers—be it while mooring, navigating in shallows, or maneuvering in dock areas. This structured approach ensures that both maritime beginners and seasoned seafarers gain a solid grasp of the principles governing ship handling and the practical challenges encountered in real-world scenarios. Ideal for those in maritime education as well as experienced helmsmen seeking to refine their skills, Ship Handling provides essential insights that are in line with the standards and recommendations set by international maritime conventions. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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