Studiebog: Understanding the Digital World

Understanding the Digital World

Af Brian W. Kernighan
2017 Bemærk: Findes i nyere udgave
Vejledende salgspris 257,00 kr.
Midlertidigt udsolgt


Brian W. Kernighan
Princeton University Press


Understanding the Digital World offers a clear and accessible exploration of the inner workings of our technology-driven society. Brian W. Kernighan takes readers on a journey through the fundamentals of computer hardware, software, and systems, highlighting how these elements shape our modern lives. The book delves into the construction and operation of computers, explaining the basics of programming, Internet architecture, and the complexities of the digital landscape. It also examines the profound impact these technologies have on privacy, security, and the way information about us is collected and used. With a focus on revealing the unseen processes behind everyday devices—from smart phones to critical infrastructure—the book provides insights into both the power and limitations of computers. Enhanced with color illustrations and a helpful glossary, Understanding the Digital World is designed for anyone eager to grasp the essential concepts that define our digital age.

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Understanding the Digital World - 2017