Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, Global Edition is a comprehensive guide designed for beginner programmers in courses spanning computer science, computer engineering, IT, and business studies. Authored by Walter Savitch, this edition introduces students to the foundations of object-oriented programming while covering key concepts such as design principles, systematic testing and debugging, consistent programming style, and mechanisms like interfaces, inheritance, and exception handling. Emphasizing clarity and practical learning, the book weaves together detailed case studies, hands-on programming examples, and insightful tips to help students grasp core Java language features. With flexible organization and supplemental graphical aids, it offers educators the adaptability to tailor content according to diverse course needs. Updated with fresh examples and refined content, this edition remains an indispensable resource for those embarking on their journey in the world of programming. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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