Contemporary Strategy Analysis 7th edition presents a streamlined and updated approach to understanding business strategy. In this edition, Robert M. Grant responds to requests for more concise cases by offering a collection of shorter yet impactful case studies designed to illustrate key strategic concepts and practical frameworks. The case studies have been refreshed and now include contemporary challenges such as Manchester United: Preparing for Life without Ferguson, Starbucks, Easyjet vs. Ryanair, DVD Wars, and Google. Additional updated cases—featuring topics like the US Airline Industry, Ford and the World Automobile Industry, Richard Branson and the Virgin Group, Wal‑Mart, Harley‑Davidson, and General Electric with Jeff Immelt—offer insights into competitive dynamics, innovation, and internationalization in today’s complex business landscape. By combining theoretical foundations with real-world examples, this edition equips students and executives alike with the tools needed to tackle critical strategic challenges. Whether used in conjunction with the main text or as a standalone resource, Contemporary Strategy Analysis provides a modern perspective on decision-making at the highest levels of business. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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