Calculus by Robert Adams and Christopher Essex is a comprehensive and rigorously crafted guide that covers all the fundamental concepts of calculus while challenging you with advanced topics. Published in 2021 by Addison-Wesley, this 1200-page hardcover textbook is designed to support a broad range of course levels, making it equally valuable for both introductory study and advanced exploration. This edition offers clear explanations using reader-friendly language alongside mathematical precision. It thoughtfully expands on traditional topics while introducing less common subjects—such as sufficient conditions for extrema in higher dimensions and a deeper look at metric spaces—that open doors to further areas like spherical geometry and even elements of special relativity. In addition, the text skillfully integrates modern computational approaches with practical applications using tools like Python, ensuring that both theory and practice are well covered. Whether you are solidifying your understanding of core calculus principles or ready to tackle more challenging material, Calculus provides the depth and clarity to enhance your learning journey. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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