The Tenth Edition of An Introduction to Intercultural Communication – International Student Edition: Identities in a Global Community, by Fred E. Jandt, offers a comprehensive introduction to navigating today’s global landscape. Designed to help readers engage effectively with diverse cultures and ethnic groups, this edition presents essential communication concepts and skills, enriched by historical context, cultural insights, and reflections on popular media. This edition features new material addressing contemporary topics such as religion and identity, gender identity, and gender expression, ensuring that students explore the most up-to-date theories in the field. Expanded Focus on Skills sections provide additional activities to enhance practical communication abilities, while Focus on Technology segments examine how the latest advancements shape intercultural interactions. Throughout the text, Jandt’s accessible writing style is complemented by thought-provoking scenarios and reflective questions that encourage personal growth and deeper intercultural understanding. With clear objectives, interactive summaries, and engaging “global voices,” this 520-page work continues to serve as a vital resource for anyone looking to build competence in a diverse, interconnected world. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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