Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences: Pearson New International Edition by Alan Agresti provides a clear and accessible introduction to essential statistical techniques, tailored specifically for students in the social sciences. With minimal mathematical prerequisites—only basic high-school algebra is needed—this book is perfect for those with little to no background in statistics. Spanning 576 pages, this comprehensive text is well-suited for a two-semester course sequence, making it a vital resource for graduate students in sociology, political science, psychology, and other social science disciplines such as geography, anthropology, journalism, and speech communications. The book is designed to help readers grasp statistical concepts through practical examples and engaging datasets. Published in 2013 by Pearson Education Limited, this edition continues to serve as an indispensable guide for building a strong foundation in statistical methods, empowering students to confidently analyze and interpret data in their academic and professional pursuits. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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