The sixth edition of Organisational Behaviour offers a comprehensive introduction to the field, presenting revised content that reflects the latest developments in organisational studies. Drawing on a balanced mix of psychological insights and social perspectives, the book explores how personality, emotions, values, and group dynamics influence an organisation's functioning. With a strong focus on leadership, organisational structure, and internal politics, the text provides a solid research foundation while linking theory to practice. Enhanced with new end-of-chapter case studies featuring global companies such as United Airlines, Zara, and HP, this edition encourages readers to apply key theories in real-life scenarios. A dedicated chapter on organisational architecture refines concepts from earlier discussions on structure and design to offer an integrated view of organisational frameworks. With updated OB in Practice mini cases and specially marked sections that highlight practical applications, Organisational Behaviour, 6e also introduces innovative digital supplements like Connect and SmartBook®—tools designed to further enrich the learning experience. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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