Language and Linguistics by John Lyons, published in 1981 by Cambridge University Press, offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the field of linguistics. Designed primarily for beginners and those new to the study of language, the book provides readers with a clear explanation of the nature of language and the fundamental aims and methodologies of linguistic theory. The text takes the reader on an insightful journey through the major sub-fields of linguistics—from the study of speech sounds and grammar to semantics, language change, psycholinguistics, and the intricate relationship between language and culture. Lyons emphasizes enduring aspects of the discipline that continue to influence both the humanities and the social sciences, while always giving due consideration to the cultural context of human language. Each chapter is enhanced by a thoughtful collection of discussion questions, revision exercises, and suggestions for additional reading, reflecting the author’s renowned clarity, balance, and authoritative approach to the subject. er en markedsplads hvor studerende i hele landet kan handle direkte med
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